Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Hello, and welcome to EconoMix! My name is Greg Gausewitz and I’ll be providing you each week with a new dose of music and an explanation of why I think the music is exceptional. Who am I to tell you what to listen to? All I’ll claim is that I’ve listened to music almost non-stop for the majority of my life, and I love music. I try to listen to all music with enthusiasm and an open mind, so the fact that I’m particularly excited about the songs featured on EconoMix will hopefully convince you to have a listen. While the individual podcasts I provide may have an underlying theme, EconoMix as a whole does not--you may hear music of any genre from any era--and some of it you’re likely to have heard before, some probably not. With that said, I’ll stop blabbing. Now, sit back and enjoy the music. I hope you like it as much as I do.

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